Rajiv Seelam

I work at

A blog to capture/share thoughts/solutions from my daily work.


What We Do

Application Building

We run a app development agency called Betalectic (Building Beta Version of your apps, Eclectically.), You can check our website is betalectic.com

If you need help in building any of following you can contact us at @betalectic:

  • Thinking outside box to solve problems and turning it into a business (Zero to One)
  • Architecting and solving domain problems
  • Web Applications like User/Admin Dashboards
  • Mobile Applications using React Native
  • Scalable Backend APIs and Solutions using NodeJS
  • Websites


This blog is built using Syntax template from Tailwind - which uses Markdoc from Stripe. I have changed it very little.

Thank you!

Open Source is great. Thanks for @taylorotwell and @jeffrey_way for bringing Laravel.